March 6, 2017

[Week 5] Nature rendering

It seems that now Monday is the day...
This last week (as promissed) I worked on the postprocessing pipeline of the demo. I started by reading some documentation about HDR rendering and gamma correction, it is really interesting to see the hacks we have to do to display things properly in a monitor.

Now all my frame buffers are stored as floats (HDR). Before displaying the final picture I perform tonemapping (converting from a HDR to LDR) and also gamma correction. This should give an accurate look of the textures and color intensities.

One effect that looks really good with HDR is bloom so I decided to implement it. Right now there are only two shiny things, the water and the sun but the effect is not really apreciable. I'll increase the brighness of the water and see if it looks better.

I also added FXAA, I'm using the same shader I made for the Sponza scene. It blurs a bit the scene but its also really cheap and efective.

Finally I implemented lens flares following the nice tutorial from John Chapman. It looks fantastic!

I've been trying to port the code of the atmosphere so it works as a postprocess. The effect is working by the code I use to generate the rays dont. I have to fix it this week.

This week I would retake the grass and decide how I'm going to implement it.

See you!