October 14, 2015

SeriousEngine C++/OpenGl 3D engine.


I started my next project for graphical programming course.

The task is to build a 3D rendering game engine using OpenglGl and C++ , of course we can use as many dependencies as we want.

My idea is to build a lib with all the basic methods of the engine and classes and then build a level editor using that engine.

Current state:

  • RenderManager:basic OpenGl initialization,drawing stuff on the screen,setting uniforms etc.
  • Window:main window class.
  • GameObject:holds information about mesh&material.In a future it will have a list of components.
  • Camera:you can move it and retrieve the view/projection matrix from it.
  • .OBJ loading:it is really boring to work with cubes so... :D
  • Shader/Program/Texture:all the base classes to work easily with materials and so on.
  • ImGui:it is really useful to debug, tweak stuff in-editor.

Thx to Mr. David Parra!
