February 3, 2016

[Update 4]SeriousEngine C++/OpenGl 3D engine.

Serious Physical Shader


For the next months, I will start working on a physical based shader for the engine.

What does physical based mean? Well,it means that, the lightning model and how the objects will react to light, will be "realistic".
This is kinda hard to achieve with comon shading techniques like Phong/Blinn-phong , Lambert and so on.

I will be implementing the Cook&Torrance model. This model interpretates that surfaces have micro-facets , that change how the light reflects from the surface.Also adds a few theorems to increase the quality of the final production.


Right now I started working implementing "fresnel" it represents the relation between the angle that you look at a surface and the amount of reflectivity you see.

Here a picture:

As you can see, the side of the sphere has a white tint!

In the next update I will keep adding modules to the final shader!